Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ethical Dilemmas Of Human Services And Research - 959 Words

Ethical Dilemmas as it pertains to Professionalism in Human Services and Research A psychology professor working for a university, who is also a psychologist with a private practice offering his students therapy sessions can contribute to problems, as well as violate several ethical codes, which will be discussed. It is not abnormal a college professor in psychology would offer his students therapy sessions, since therapy and psychology coincide and are both the professor’s specialties, however the ethical aspect of it is a different problem. The violation of these codes will take into consideration location, timing, competence, business interest, improper termination, harm, multiple relationships, and so forth. The location of the university where the professor works is in a large metropolitan area. According to code 2.02, psychologist who are not assigned to specific work should only provide services in the case of emergencies, this also includes if there are no other services available at the moment an incident occur (American Psychological Association, 2002). In this particular situation the professor violated the code because there were no emergencies and the professor did not mention any other services available to the students. Considering the university is located in a large metropolitan area typically, there should be numerous mental health services nearby. Lastly, the situation at hand also plays a role in the professor’s competence. Competent psychologists knowShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemm Ethical And Ethical Dilemmas1610 Words   |  7 PagesEthical dilemma is an issue that has no satisfactory resolution. A conflict between two ethical standards and situations can result in ethical dilemma. 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